Währungskurs is empty

Good evening to everyone.

I am testing Metasfresh using Amazon EC2 (Cloud, WebUI).

Why is Währungskurs = Exchange rate (/Finanzbuchhaltung/Einstellungen Buchführung/Währungskurs) empty?

Is it a WebUI problem?
Should I set some variables?

Thanks for your time in advance.


by default that tabelle is empty.
You need to pupulate the date in there that you need.


Good evening to everyone.

I am testing Metasfresh using Amazon EC2 (Cloud) and Java Client (through VPN).

With the new installation of Metasfresh (5.5, 14 April) I have found some of these rows populated.

Is it possible to automatically populate these rows trough Rest API or CSV?

Thanks for your time in advance.

Kind regards.