Hi @Wellington_Almeida_d,
I wanted to check how you are doing and just saw on gitter that you ran into compilation problems.
Sorry, I should have taken a look at gitter much earlier.
Do the problems still persist?
Am i doing something wrong? I builded all projects in the follow sequence:
1- Parent
2- metasfresh
3- metasfresh-web-api
4- metasfresh-dist
Building using the maven integrated on eclipse, or command line.
From my own experience, a command line build on a folder which yoiu also have imported into eclipse can change the class files in ways that require a refresh in eclipse. Then you develop in eclipse, then usually the m2e plugin takes care of building.
I recommend to make sure you have no errors in your workspace before running mf15_lava.launch
Also are you aware of the forum topic Eclipse workspace changes where we anounce changes (ususally projects wse added) that need to be imported into eclipse?
Best regards