Hello Metasfresh Devs
My name is Wellington, i am diving in Metasfresh and learning a lot already.
My goal in this topic is introducing my background to help you answer a lot of future questions.
I am a Brazilian developer 20 years working a local ERP developed in a proprietary language by a local company.
In the last 3 years i am looking to work with another tools. I tried, Android, and now Java/Srping.
I have mastered along my career Linux and SQL.
I have a very good understanding about ERP systems.
Now i am studying all documentations to contribute to Metasfresh.
My main goal is practice the concepts i have been studying (Spring / Java / design patterns / docker / system architecture ) but master all the satellite tools too (maven)
I have looked all the nice tools you are using and i never knew until now like lombok, partainer, jenkings. Your code styles and patterns for eclipse. I looked the structure of your maven project, SQL modeling/tables. Installed Metasfresh using docker and test it.
Now i will look for issues that i may help with. If you can point me out some of then i will appreciate it.
My second goal is find a good ERP system to bring to Brazil. The thing is, i know some companies unhappy with the local ERP systems, so if in the process learning Metasfresh feels it will fit in this companies, i am willing to do migration tools to import data from the local ERP system, and APIs to both ERPs exchange data to fulfill our local laws using the legacy ERP.
To start, i should provide a way to translate Metasfresh system to pt_BR. For that, i looked the menus, and fields names are stored in Postgres. Am i Right? I looked for the column ad_language in all tables to get the idea.
I am thinking to develop a tool to use google translator to translate the data and create a new translation pt_BR. But this tool would be useful to translate to any language using google translate.
What do you think this idea?
I have a lot more questions but for now i appreciate your time for reading and answering.
ps* I am need to practice my english writing too, so if it isn’t asking too much, point me out errors i may doing.