Hello, I want to change the window-name and the maximum field length of the identifier field ‘Name’ of the ‘product’ window. Can I do this by the following SQL-statements:
UPDATE public.ad_field_trl SET name = ‘Identnummer’, Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2020-09-30 06:00:00’,‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE ad_field_id = ‘1018’ AND ad_language = ‘de_DE’;
UPDATE public.ad_column SET fieldlength = 20, Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2020-09-30 06:00:00’,‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE ad_column_id = 1410;
Or should I create a complete new identifier field ‘Identnummer’?
Best regards
To change the name of the window,
select * from ad_window_trl where ad_window_id=140 and ad_language=‘es_EC’;
To change the translation of the tabs.
select * from ad_tab_trl where ad_tab_id in (select ad_tab_id from ad_tab where ad_window_id=140and ad_tab.isactive=‘Y’) and ad_language=‘es_EC’ order by ad_tab_trl;
and to change the names of the fields using the identifiers of the previous statement
select * from ad_field_trl where ad_field_id in(select ad_field_id from ad_field where ad_tab_id=1000055) and ad_language=‘es_EC’ ;
In the m_product table is the product information. I did not understand the question to enlarge the field very well.
Hi David,
if i get you right, the following statment is right to change the labeltext of the identifier field ‘Name’ in the product window:
UPDATE public.ad_field_trl SET name = ‘Identnummer’, Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2020-09-30 06:00:00’,‘YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS’),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE ad_field_id = ‘1018’ AND ad_language = ‘de_DE’;
The second statement is to limit the text-length to 20, because i want to have a fixed field length of 20!
How can I configure, so that the user must insert a fixed field length of 20 characters?
Best regards
If you have access to the java client in the part of Tables and columns you can search the table by name and there in the columns tab the column field is defined where the maximum length is configured, or you can do it by database using SQL
select ad_table_id from ad_tab where ad_window_id=140 and tablevel =0;
select name, fieldlength from ad_column where ad_table_id=208;