Hi Sai,
even though your post is very hard to read, I guess I got the point.
I have the same issue and it is related to Cross Site Scripting / Cross Origin stuff (open the dev console in your browser and look for warnings/error messages).
I executed this command docker exec -u postgres metasfresh_docker_db_1 psql -d metasfresh -c "UPDATE AD_SysConfig SET Value='http://my_metasfreshinstance.com' WHERE Name='webui.frontend.url';"
(it shall help; see https://forum.metasfresh.org/t/docker-install-rest-scripts-have-incorrect-cors-headers-cannot-login/1705).
But I still have the white page and a Cross Origin warning.
Unfortunately, I did not find any solution, yet.
There was a github issue https://github.com/metasfresh/metasfresh-docker/issues/52
but the solution was not really mentioned.