I want to use Metasfresh in Docker Conatiner and I have a few small start-up difficulties.
For my virtualization environment, I use Docker 20.10.6 build 370c289 on an Ubuntu 20.04.2. I assigned two sockets with 8 cores and 16 GB RAM to the Ubuntu VM.
I have used several Compose scripts including the standard script and the Compose script on the Metasfresh website. Both scripts work wonderfully, but when I try to log on to the web service, only an incomplete page is displayed to me.
Looks like you tried converting the docker-compose.yml to docker-compose v3 and you’re using the blank images instead of build: from local folders/Dockerfiles.
Currently, we’re not supporting starting just base-images since there are config-files and certificates that need to be placed in the local image when you build the container image.
ich hatte die docker-compose von github schon ausprobiert, leider ohne erfolg. Das erstellen ist zwar kein Problem jedoch wird mit beim anmelden keine Vollständige seite angezeigt. Dachte zuerst das es an einen SSL cert liegt, aber es war nicht der fall.