Does WebAPI/REST API support articles or only "documents"?

Good evening to everyone.

I am testing Metasfresh using Amazon EC2 (Cloud, WebUI and VPN Swing).

According to the following link,

  • WebUI and WebAPI are two different “layers” of metasfresh;
  • WebUI use WebAPI.
  1. Is WebAPI the only REST API available?
  2. Is WebAPI available outside WebUI and swagger-ui.html?
  3. Is possible to use WebAPI to retrieve a list of documents?
  4. How could I find the Id of the document to retrieve/change?
    5A) Is possible to use WebAPI to retrieve a list of articles?
    5B) If 4A is not possible, is it possible to load articles using CSV?
    5C) If 4A is not possible, is it possible to update articles prices and quantities using CSV?
    5D) If 4A and 4C are not possible, is it possible to use Java + SQL code to update articles prices and quantities?

Thank you in advance for your time.

hi Sergio,

here are some answers as far as I can give them:

Hope, my answers helped.
