Activate Backend REST API

Hello metasfresh community,

I’m trying to access the Swagger UI for the backend REST API. As far as I know, there is a frontend API at “/swagger-ui.html” and a backend UI at “/app/swagger-ui.html#/”. The frontend Swagger works on port 8080. But when I try to access the backend Swagger, I only get a blank/grey page or a 404.

I have a fresh setup based on the docker install instructions. The docker-compose.yml has a valid hostname set in “WEBAPI_URL”, port 8080:8080 is activated for the webui.

Is there something I miss?

Thank you in advance,

Searching for days, now I found it myself…

I exported port 8282 in the web container by adding:

- “8282:8282”

Now I can access the app server API via:

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