How to logistic the goods on a car to different customer functions in metasfresh system

I want to realize the delivery function in metasfresh system, but the delivery process in metasfresh is not very clear, I hope I can get help, and how to realize the function of the title.


delivery process is as follows:
after production you use the picking terminal to pick the products you want to ship using their barcode.
once you have done that you use the shipment schedule to generate the delivery note using the quantities from the picking.


generate shipments process like the following?

and now, Whether the delivery process is over in the metasfresh system,or there are other steps?


when you used the picking terminal feature which allows to scan barcodes just using a tablet with its builtin camera before the delivery, then you need to tick “IsUseQtyPicked” to make metasfresh use the picked quantity and not the qtytodeliver.
