How to generate classes de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated

Hi guys,

I’m new on metasfresh, I’m getting compilation errors on de.metas.printing.esb.base and de.metas.payment.esr.
I suppose that the errors are because I don’t know how to generate the classes on import de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated

Some of the classes that are missing are
import de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated.ObjectFactory;
import de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated.PRTADPrinterHWType;
import de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated.PRTCPrintJobInstructionsConfirmType;
import de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated.PRTCPrintPackageDataType;
import de.metas.printing.esb.base.jaxb.generated.PRTCPrintPackageType;

import de.metas.payment.camt054_001_02.BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV02;
import de.metas.payment.camt054_001_06.BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV06;

Do I have to generate or I there are some jar lib that is missing?
If I have to generate it, there are a manual or where I can find information about this?

Any help would be appreciated!

Alejandro Q-

hi @Alejandro_Quintero
great that you are taking a look at the metasfresh source-code!

Are you working with eclipse?

In this case, there is an extension to the eclipse-m2e plugin that is supposed to invoke the jaxb code generator and thus create those classes for you.
Eclipse should actually find the respective maven plugin in the pom.xml and suggest to you to search for this component in the eclipse market place (it’s free).
That suggestion should be displayed in the eclipse “problems” tab.

Also, you could run maven on the command line to have the classes created for you (and then ALT-F5 in eclipse).

Or maybe the classes are in place, but eclipse failed to see them and add them as source folder?
In the case of printing, those classes would be in /de.metas.printing.esb.base/target/generated-sources/jaxb

Are you aware of these docs: ?

Finally, in case you are working with intelliJ, my collegue recently came up with some guidlines on how to set up things there. I will nag her to publish them…

Best regards

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